Sunday, September 9, 2012

Dental Implant Problems

Dental implants are procedures carried out to restore teeth and still be able to show a nice smile without the impression of having the traditional dentures. With today's technology, dental implant problems are less frequent and they have a success rate of 98%.
Dental implant problems include procedures to allow the dental implants to correctly bond to a person's jaw bone. This is also technically referred to as osseointegrating with the jaw bone.

When the implant is not able to osseointegrate correctly, there are dental implant problems that you need to handle. These include the following specific concerns.

1. Dental implant infection

This can be caused by the patient's poor oral hygiene and it happens during the dental implant process. The infection results into bone inflammation within the implant area. This is a major problem since it is the primary cause for the rejection of dental implants.

2. Problem with the sufficiency of bone mass

When the jaw bone volume is not sufficient, the dental implant may not bond properly. When this dental implant problem is seen, a scenario of bone graft becomes an option during the surgery. This will lead to a lower incidence of complications.

3.   Patient's general health condition

Patients who are in great shape will end up with a high rate of success in the dental implant process. However, those who are suffering from chronic illnesses like diabetes, high blood pressure and cancer may have dental implant problems. The bone growth is highly dependent on the blood supply and poor health condition can result into a more challenging procedure.

4. Loading the implants immediately

This can force the tooth to disturb the critical osseointegration process. It is important not to load the dental implants immediately to ensure that pressure is not applied to the implant.

The above are the common dental implant problems. When any of the above happens, the immediate thing that a dentist does is to wait for a certain time for the area to heal and redo the surgery when it is ready.

It is important to note that smoking can also cause problems in the process. If you want to go through the process, it is important to prepare yourself and ensure that you are in great health for a high success rate of the dental implant procedure.


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