Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Dental Implants

 Before Implants
After Implants

When a tooth requires replacement there is a choice to be made, as both an implant and a bridge will be able to replace the tooth. As with everything, both options come with pros and cons. We will discuss your individual options during your consultation.

While implants may have a greater initial cost, they come with several advantages:

  • Implants avoid the need to drill on adjacent teeth for crowns. When bridges fail, they often result in additional treatment (such as root canals) being needed for the adjacent teeth.

  • Implants last longer. In 2007, the American Dental Association commissioned a review of all published data related to implants and bridges. It was found that implants have a long-term success rate of 95% compared to a long term success rate of 80% for bridges. Along with clinicians representing all related disciplines, Dr. Puterman was selected to be part of this review group.

  • If or when a portion of the crown on an implant cracks or breaks, only one new crown is needed. If a portion of a bridge cracks or breaks, three or more new crowns are needed.
  • Implants are individualized like your natural teeth allowing for easy hygiene. Bridges connect your teeth together, requiring the use of specialized tools to properly clean between adjacent teeth.

During your consultation, we will review all information in order to determine what is best for you. If you have specific questions, we encourage you to bring a list of them with you. Everything will be answered, at your pace.


Fantastic blog !! Really very impressive post and also very helpful.

Ultimate blog!!Dental implants are the most natural solution to missing teeth. Dental implants are natural looking artificial teeth that are attached below the gum line with an anchor.
Thanks for sharing.

I think everyone who gets dental implants needs to have a before and after picture. There is nothing better that will show how much of an impact and change dental implants can have. Thanks for sharing!

I was in confusion about the cost of my dental implant, then I came to know about dental tourism and that time I had to visit Mexico, then I have completed my dental implants from a dental vacation packages and saved a lot. They also gave me great service.

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